Dress for Success Presentations

Greg Chapman has been addressing groups on his "Elements of Dressing for Success" for more than 40 years.  Professional Associations have incorporated Greg's "Dress for Success" talk often for a luncheon speech to provide a light hearted, informative experience to take away.  As many as 50% of some groups have asked Greg to stay in town an extra day to get their measurements, make some suits and sign up on his Wardrobe Plan Program.

The information is something every man needs to know, and few do!  Men DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY DON'T KNOW about clothing.  They're too shy to ask and they somehow feel uncomfortable and out of their element, so they avoid it…..and it shows!

Do your profession group a favor and invite Greg Chapman to take 30 minutes to an hour to teach your members what they need to know to look their best and to get the best value for them money!  

Here's a sidelight:  If you're not only looking to improve the knowledge and to entertain your membership at a convention, but would like to improve their "quality of life" in terms of how they might discover a successful man's approach to saving time and being better dressed, invite Greg to remain available after his talk.  

Busy executives, once informed, recognize the benefits of a superior fit, and the convenience of never having to shop for clothing again.  If they can reduce costs and "automate" the process to continue to  make it happen, many join the Wardrobe Plan Program.  At one of Greg's seminars given  in Chicago to a group of 50 Supply Chain Auto parts manufacturers, 23 became clients and 18 of the 23 joined the Wardrobe Plan Program!  Most of them remained on the Plan for from 10 to 20 years, until they decided to retire.  Of the 23, only one ever saw Greg again personally.  Hundreds of suits ordered by phone from swatches and photos, were sent to these busy successful men without their ever having to go shopping or step into a fitting room taking off and putting on clothes, driving back to pick them up.  This is truly a successful man's "Smart Approach" to Dressing.  

Have Greg Chapman teach your group how to spot their own fitting problems "Before" they commit to buying a new suit.  The more you know about your body and the problems it can cause a suit, the more one realizes the advantages of having their clothing custom made.  In the process, they're working with someone who knows how to select their proper colors, fabric weights for the seasons, co-ordinates their shirts and ties and offers them a "turnkey" approach to looking like the millionaires they are or are becoming!

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