Good Fit vs Bad Fit
Posture And It's Effect On Fit
Few People Fit Their Clothes
One can enhance their career dramatically by projecting an image of success. This “look” of success can only be achieved completely by wearing clothing that is made from your own pattern and conforms to your shape!
Mass-produced clothing is all made or an “average” posture and most people are not “average.” The clothes literally look better on the hanger than on 90% of the people who purchase them.
Today, few people have ever experienced clothing that fits as it should, regardless of where or how they purchase. Consequently, they settle for clothes that may almost fit their “size” but not their
One’s posture, for example, might be more “erect” than average causing their arms to “rock” back which requires the sleeves to be set into the armhole with a forward rotation to avoid wrinkles down the back of the sleeves. The results of not fitting their shape are tugs, pulls and folds of fabric.
When people wear clothing that doesn’t lit (or when they try doing business too casually;) they forfeit the opportunity to make their best “first impression.” In the military imagine a Private trying to make friends with a General. There you have it!
Specifically erect posture, which causes short waisted-ness and arms to swing back requiring rotation of the sleeves into the jacket accordingly.

Off-the-rack pants are often too long in the crotch, dragging across the thigh with each step.

“My 38 year career in custom tailoring has been devoted to making each of my clients look their very best by creating clothes that fit “their” personal body shape perfectly without the need of fittings, alterations or shopping, My clients become accustomed to the unique “feel” much as the “look” that comes with the superior fit of our clothing and more often than not; replace their entire wardrobes.” — Greg Chapman