Your Best Colors 

Jo Ann Kilty - 17 year client
Wearing clothing that compliments one’s coloring; their skin tones, their hair color, their eye color, when combined with a perfect fit and impeccible workmanship, makes someone “pop”, to the point where people have to notice, and they will and will even comment and compliment!  People either have Cool tones or warm tones to their complexion.  Every color has cool tones or warm tones! Paint, that is used to paint one’s house can be found in hundreds of shades! Warm Ivory whites compliment warm tone complexions, while a “whiter white”  looks best on a cool tone complexion. While everyone looks better in some colors than in others, in theory, everyone can wear every color, but it’s the “shade” of the color that makes a difference on how good and “healthy” they look!   
When selecting fabrics for our client’s suits, jackets, dress shirts, sport shirts and ties, we’re always selecting the best “shade” of color for them, depending on whether they are best in “warm” or “cool” colors.
For example, a cool skin tone person who has a “Winter” complexion  looks fantastic in Black!  When they wear navy, it should be the darkest navy, closest to black.  A more fair skinned, warm tone individual will do better in a more “royal” navy. All colors come in all “shades”, whether tans, browns, greens, grays, etc.  
We dress our clients not only with their best “primary colors”, colors they would wear as a suit, a jacket, etc., but also their best “secondary colors”, colors they wouldn’t wear in a suit, like pink, or lavender, peach, yellow, green, etc., but in shirts and ties, accessories in general, we combines the perfect colored shirts and ties, in the right color shades, to accentuate how they look in their clothes.